Your Faith Journey 100

The apostle Paul encourages Christians to work at whatever we do with all of our heart, “as working for the Lord, not for human masters” (Colossians 3:23 NIV). Work is not just a way to get things done or earn an income, it is a way to bless others and glorify God. We are commanded to love and serve the Lord with all of our heart (Deuteronomy 10:12). Loving and serving God involves the use of our time, talents, and treasures. Are you managing your time in a way that shows that you are serving the Lord? The creation account in Genesis 1 reveals that God worked for six days, but then he rested on the seventh day. How about you? Is rest part of the way you manage the time God has given you?
Are you using your God-given talents in a way that blesses others and shows that you are serving the Lord? If not, what are you going to do to begin using them in that way?
Are you managing your financial and material resources as a responsible steward of what God has given you? Do your monthly bank statements and budget reveal your desire to fulfill God’s will? If not, what needs to change?
For a full version of this Your Faith Journey devotional download the Worship Guide from the Avon UMC website:
The Your Faith Journey Bible verses for this week are listed below:
Sunday (10/25)
Today I am going to offer God _____________________________.
During the worship service God revealed __________________________________________________________________________
Monday (10/26)
Read Genesis 2:15 and prayerfully wrestle with the questions below:
Where has God placed you?
What has God entrusted you to take care of?
Tuesday (10/27)
Read words of wisdom from Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 and prayerfully reflect on your life:
What has God given you to eat and drink? How does that compare millions of starving and thirsty people around the world?
Do you find satisfaction in your labor? Why?
What needs to change in you or your life so that God can enable you to have “gladness of heart”? If you already have a gladness, thank God for his precious gift!
Wednesday (10/28)
Read Romans 6:1-7 and pray for God to reveal a word, phrase, or verse that is specifically for you for today.
Thursday (10/29)
Read Galatians 3:26-27 and pray in response to what you read.
Friday (10/30)
Read Colossians 3:23-24 and prayerfully wrestle with the questions below:
Are you working at whatever you do as though you are working for the Lord? If not, how can you begin moving in that direction?
What will it require of you to serve family members at home, co-workers at your workplace, sisters and brothers in Christ within the church, and friends & neighbors in our community as if you are serving Jesus?
Saturday (10/31)
Rest, enjoy some recreation, and reflect upon the past week. Re-read verses or phrases that stood out to you. The following questions may be helpful as you reflect:
How did you see, hear, or encounter God during this past week?
Who needs to hear about your experience sometime in the coming days?
*To download the entire Worship Guide, which includes the extended version of the Your Faith Journey Guide, go to
