Your Faith Journey 8

Your Faith Journey
Worship – Matthew 28:16-17 reveals that when Jesus’ disciples saw their resurrected teacher, friend, Messiah, and Savior on the mountain in Galilee where he had told them to go, “they worshiped him.” Where is Jesus telling you to go? When do you feel closest to Christ? How do you respond when you’re in His presence?
Connect – You can connect with others from AUMC during the next few months by signing up for “Dinner for Six.” Simply write your name and “D6” on a Connection Card, then place the card in the offering plate or drop it off at the Welcome Desk. If you sign up you’ll be invited to meet a few others from the church for dinner to get to know them and enjoy a meal together.
Develop – Do you want a better relationship with God? Designate a daily time and place to be alone with Him praying and studying scripture. Consider reading one Psalm each day this week: Psalm 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 40
