Your Faith Journey 94

This week we’re jumping back into the second half of the ONE: Unity in Christ series. During the first three sessions we’ve been studying and discussing the following:
1. We are meant to be “Completely One” as the church by being united in heart and mind through the Spirit of God, seeking the Lord’s will together (John 17).
2. As we follow Jesus on “The Path of Discipleship,” we are formed into the likeness of Christ individually and collectively through the work of the Holy Spirit and our faith practices, which are also known as holy habits (Philippians 2).
3. Our gifts, talents, and abilities are given to us by God “For the Common Good” of those within the church, our community, and world (1 Corinthians 12). We should seek the good of others as an expression of loving our neighbors knowing that some may be saved because of experiencing God’s goodness through us.
Now we are turning our attention to “Reclaiming Our Identity” as new creations in Christ. We have been reconciled with God through faith in Jesus, so our sins are no longer counted against us. As new creations, reconciled with God, “we are ambassadors for Christ,” and “God is making his appeal through us” (2 Corinthians 5:20 NRSV). We have an eternally significant message to share with the world, the message of God’s Great News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How humbling that the One who gave his only son to save the people of the world from the punishment we deserve is working in us and through us as ambassadors with a message of reconciliation!
Do you need to experience being made into a new person in Christ? If so, let God know. Consider talking to a family member, friend, or pastor after you pray for God to make you into a new person by placing your trust in Jesus.
How does being reconciled with God impact how you see yourself?
What does it mean about how you live your life knowing you are an ambassador for Christ?
Who needs to hear the message of reconciliation with God through faith in Jesus this week? Ask the Lord to give you the opportunity, words, and grace to speak the truth in love, as well as the courage to share when the door opens for a faith conversation.
For a full version of this Your Faith Journey devotional download the Worship Guide from the Avon UMC website:
The Your Faith Journey Bible verses for this week are listed below:
Sunday (9/13)
Today I am going to offer God ____________________________.
During the worship service God revealed ______________________________________________________.
This week memorize 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT):
“…anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”
Monday (9/14)
Read Ephesians 2:1-5 and pray in response to the verses.
Tuesday (9/15)
Read Jesus’ message to his disciples in Romans 8:1-2, 31-39 and prayerfully wrestle with the questions below:
Who are you going to listen to? God? Satan? Others? Yourself?
As you accept your identity in Christ, how do you want to respond to God? Write it out as a prayer.
Wednesday (9/16)
Read Jeremiah 29:10-14 and pray in response to what you read.
Thursday (9/17)
Read Romans 5 and prayerfully wrestle with the questions below:
We are “justified through faith” (Romans 5:1). Dave Stone describes justification as, “just as if I never sinned.” How does this truth resonate with you?
Look at the effects of justification on our lives in verses 5:1, 5:9, 5:10, 5:18, and 5:21. What do these verses reveal about how God feels about you to give these good things to you?
Friday (9/18)
Read John 8:2-11 and pray in response to what you read.
You are encouraged to watch the Woodlawn: ONE episode #5 before your next small group or class session this weekend or next week. If you are not part of a group or class, consider watching the episode with a family member or friend and then discussing it afterwards. For those who missed one of the previous video sessions or sermons, use the links below for the AUMC website to catch up on what you missed:
Woodlawn: ONE episode #5 – “Dealing with Disappointment”
Woodlawn: ONE episodes:
ONE: Unity in Christ sermons:
Saturday (9/19)
Read Colossians 3:1-10 and prayerfully go through the exercise below:
Use a piece of paper and a pen/pencil to write out the words or phrases that describe who you were before you became a believer or before God changed your life.
Now, cross out the name(s) or words with a large, bold X. If you belong to Christ, those names and words no longer apply. Prayerfully write the names that you imagine your heavenly Father calls you today.
*To download the entire Worship Guide, which includes the extended version of the Your Faith Journey Guide, go to
