Your Faith Journey 6
Your Faith Journey
Worship God – Read John 12:1-11 Are you willing to humble yourself as a servant of our Savior and give extravagantly to the Son of God as an act of worshiping Jesus the Christ? If not, why? Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, did.
Invest & Invite – Read John 4:4-30 Who is the person that God wants you to seek out and invest in so that you can eventually invite them to know Jesus? What step are you going to take this week, to follow Jesus’ example, to initiate an interaction with them?
Develop as a Disciple – Jesus said, “Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit…” (John 15:5b NLT) Do you see the fruit (results) of an intimate connection with Jesus within your life? If not, set aside time to be alone with Jesus each day as a helpful next step along your faith journey. During your alone time pray (talk to God) and invite Jesus to speak to you through his words and actions recorded in John chapters 15 – 21 by reading one chapter per day this week.
Worship God – Read John 12:1-11 Are you willing to humble yourself as a servant of our Savior and give extravagantly to the Son of God as an act of worshiping Jesus the Christ? If not, why? Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, did.
Invest & Invite – Read John 4:4-30 Who is the person that God wants you to seek out and invest in so that you can eventually invite them to know Jesus? What step are you going to take this week, to follow Jesus’ example, to initiate an interaction with them?
Develop as a Disciple – Jesus said, “Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit…” (John 15:5b NLT) Do you see the fruit (results) of an intimate connection with Jesus within your life? If not, set aside time to be alone with Jesus each day as a helpful next step along your faith journey. During your alone time pray (talk to God) and invite Jesus to speak to you through his words and actions recorded in John chapters 15 – 21 by reading one chapter per day this week.
Your Faith Journey 5
Your Faith Journey – If you are new to AUMC or want to intentionally take steps along your faith journey to grow, here are a few recommendations:
1. Worship God – Attending worship services regularly helps you worship God instead of something or someone else. Listening to faith-based music and attending Christian concerts helps during the days you are not attending worship services.
2. Connect & Grow – You can connect with others and take steps to grow along your faith journey during February and March by joining a NEW small group. Stop by the round tables near the coffee and doughnuts in the Gathering Place between services today to sign up!
3. Develop as a Disciple – If you want to know God better, designate a time and place to be alone with Him praying and studying scripture on a daily basis. Consider reading John from the New Testament, which is an eyewitness account of Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection written by one of Christ’s closest followers
1. Worship God – Attending worship services regularly helps you worship God instead of something or someone else. Listening to faith-based music and attending Christian concerts helps during the days you are not attending worship services.
2. Connect & Grow – You can connect with others and take steps to grow along your faith journey during February and March by joining a NEW small group. Stop by the round tables near the coffee and doughnuts in the Gathering Place between services today to sign up!
3. Develop as a Disciple – If you want to know God better, designate a time and place to be alone with Him praying and studying scripture on a daily basis. Consider reading John from the New Testament, which is an eyewitness account of Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection written by one of Christ’s closest followers
Your Faith Journey 4
The suggestions below are designed to help you focus on a few of the key commitments needed for a healthy faith journey.
1. Worship – Plan to join us for the Big Game Sunday (2/4) worship services and wear your favorite team gear! Invite a friend, family member, co-worker, or neighbor to join you here at AUMC next Sunday morning!
2. Connect – Take the next step by Connecting with others and Growing spiritually as part of a short-term small group during Lent (February – March). Sign up at the Welcome Desk by the Sanctuary.
3. Develop – Consider setting aside a time and place to pray and read scripture each day. If you don’t have a devotional (Bible reading and prayer guide), you can use The Upper Room or Our Daily Bread daily devotional to help guide you. The devotionals are available online for FREE at and Printed copies can be found by the rear door of the Chapel on the back table in the Narthex for a $1. YouVersion Bible App for your smartphone is another great FREE resource!
1. Worship – Plan to join us for the Big Game Sunday (2/4) worship services and wear your favorite team gear! Invite a friend, family member, co-worker, or neighbor to join you here at AUMC next Sunday morning!
2. Connect – Take the next step by Connecting with others and Growing spiritually as part of a short-term small group during Lent (February – March). Sign up at the Welcome Desk by the Sanctuary.
3. Develop – Consider setting aside a time and place to pray and read scripture each day. If you don’t have a devotional (Bible reading and prayer guide), you can use The Upper Room or Our Daily Bread daily devotional to help guide you. The devotionals are available online for FREE at and Printed copies can be found by the rear door of the Chapel on the back table in the Narthex for a $1. YouVersion Bible App for your smartphone is another great FREE resource!
Your Faith Journey 3
If you are new to AUMC, beginning your faith journey, or reconnecting with God and church after months or years of separation, here are a few recommendations:
1. Worship – Continue joining us for weekly worship services on Sunday mornings and watch online through the website ( if you can’t be here. Click “Live Stream” to watch the services live on Sunday morning, or select the “Worship Videos” tab to watch previous messages.
2. Connect – Enjoy a FREE lunch as you meet others who are new to the church at the Newcomer Luncheon today at 12:00 pm in the AUMC Fellowship Hall.
3. Develop – Consider reading “Mark” and “Luke” from the New Testament of the Bible which are eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.
1. Worship – Continue joining us for weekly worship services on Sunday mornings and watch online through the website ( if you can’t be here. Click “Live Stream” to watch the services live on Sunday morning, or select the “Worship Videos” tab to watch previous messages.
2. Connect – Enjoy a FREE lunch as you meet others who are new to the church at the Newcomer Luncheon today at 12:00 pm in the AUMC Fellowship Hall.
3. Develop – Consider reading “Mark” and “Luke” from the New Testament of the Bible which are eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.
Your Faith Journey 2
If you are new to AUMC, beginning your faith journey, or reconnecting with God and church after months or years
of separation, here are a few recommendations:
1. Worship – We encourage you to continue to attend Sunday morning worship services and try listening to a Christian music radio station in your car as you drive (101.9, 97.9, or 90.5).
2. Connect – Enjoy a FREE lunch as you meet others who are new to the church at the Newcomer Luncheon on January 21st at 12:00 pm in the AUMC Fellowship Hall.
3. Develop – Consider reading the book 3:16 by Max Lucado or The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. Both books are available to borrow from the AUMC library at the back of the Chapel on the “Christian Life” bookshelves. You can also purchase the books from or Amazon.
of separation, here are a few recommendations:
1. Worship – We encourage you to continue to attend Sunday morning worship services and try listening to a Christian music radio station in your car as you drive (101.9, 97.9, or 90.5).
2. Connect – Enjoy a FREE lunch as you meet others who are new to the church at the Newcomer Luncheon on January 21st at 12:00 pm in the AUMC Fellowship Hall.
3. Develop – Consider reading the book 3:16 by Max Lucado or The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. Both books are available to borrow from the AUMC library at the back of the Chapel on the “Christian Life” bookshelves. You can also purchase the books from or Amazon.
Your Faith Journey 1
If you are new to AUMC, beginning your faith journey, or reconnecting with God and church after months or years of
separation, here are a few recommendations:
1. Worship – Continue joining us for weekly worship services on Sunday mornings and watch online through the website if you can’t be here.
2. Connect – Meet others who are new to the church at the Newcomer Luncheon on January 21st at 12:15 pm in the AUMC Fellowship Hall.
3. Develop – Consider reading “Mark” and “Luke” from the New Testament of the Bible, which are eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.
separation, here are a few recommendations:
1. Worship – Continue joining us for weekly worship services on Sunday mornings and watch online through the website if you can’t be here.
2. Connect – Meet others who are new to the church at the Newcomer Luncheon on January 21st at 12:15 pm in the AUMC Fellowship Hall.
3. Develop – Consider reading “Mark” and “Luke” from the New Testament of the Bible, which are eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.