Your Faith Journey 124

In the 1500s, God enabled Nicolaus Copernicus to conclude through his studies of astronomy and mathematics that the earth revolves around the sun. Until Copernicus, it was believed by most people that the sun and other planets revolved around the earth. Copernicus’ conclusion was a radical revolution in thought and understanding within the world at the time.
What does your life revolve around? Who or what is at the center? In his book, Letters to Marc About Jesus: Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World, author and pastor, Henri Nouwen shares that, “my personal relationship with Jesus is the heart of my existence.” In his first letter within the book, he shares with his nephew Marc, “If you were to ask me point-blank, ‘What does it mean to you to live spiritually?’ I would have to reply, ‘Living with Jesus at the center.’” Are you living with Jesus at the center of your life?
Throughout 2021 you are invited to focus on living with Jesus at the center of your thoughts, will, emotions, and actions. To help us with ongoing Christ Consistency, we are embarking upon a new message series connected to Henri Nouwen’s book, Letters to Marc About Jesus. This weekly Your Faith Journey devotional will connect with the series worship service messages and some of the content of Henri’s book.
*If you would like to read the book Letters to Marc About Jesus during our series, you can purchase it through,, or
Sunday (4/11)
This week you are invited to read part of Psalm 139 during your devotional time with God each day, listen to the song “The Way (New Horizons)” by Pat Barrett, read the daily Bible verses, then pray the prayer below, or your own, to help you live with Jesus as the center of your life.
Daily Prayer:
Lord, through you all things were created, including me.
My life is a gift from you. Thank you! I believe you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
My desire is to faithfully follow Jesus, living with Christ at the center of
my life. Forgive me for all of the times I miss the mark and fall short of being faithful and obedient to you. Guide my thoughts, words, and
actions so that I am an obedient disciple of Jesus and a child of God that
honors you in all I do. Help me to know you and understand you more clearly. Enable me to receive the love you have for me, so that it flows to others through me. I love you, Lord!
May my life glorify you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Monday (4/12)
Read Psalm 139:1-18.
Listen to “The Way (New Horizons)” by Pat Barrett using the link below or using the YouTube search bar at
Read Colossians 1:15-23.
Pray in response to the God who created you using the “Lord, through you” prayer listed above, or using your own words.
Tuesday (4/13)
Read Psalm 139:1-18.
Listen to “The Way (New Horizons)” by Pat Barrett using the link below or using the YouTube search bar at
Read Revelation 1:4-8.
Pray in response to the One who was, is, and is to come using the “Lord, through you” prayer listed above, or using your own words.
Wednesday (4/14)
Read Psalm 139:1-18.
Listen to “The Way (New Horizons)” by Pat Barrett using the link below or using the YouTube search bar at
Read John 1:1-5, 9-14.
Pray in response to the One who is full of grace and truth using the “Lord, through you” prayer listed above, or using your own words.
Thursday (4/15)
Read Psalm 139:1-18.
Listen to “The Way (New Horizons)” by Pat Barrett using the link below or using the YouTube search bar at
Read John 11:18-26.
Pray in response to the Resurrection and the Life using the “Lord, through you” prayer listed above, or using your own words.
Friday (4/16)
Read Psalm 139:1-18.
Listen to “The Way (New Horizons)” by Pat Barrett using the link below or using the YouTube search bar at
Read Jesus’ message from John 14:6.
Pray in response to Jesus as the Way to our heavenly Father using the “Lord, through you” prayer listed above, or using your own words.
Saturday (4/17)
Read Psalm 139:1-18.
Listen to “The Way (New Horizons)” by Pat Barrett using the link below or using the YouTube search bar at
Read Matthew 16:13-20.
Pray in response to the Son of the living God who is building his church through you and others like you throughout the world. You can use the “Lord, through you” prayer listed above, or using your own words.
*If you do not have a Bible, consider downloading the YouVersion Bible App for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play for your smartphone or tablet. You can also use to look up and read various translations of Bible verses online on a computer.
