Your Faith Journey 133

In his book, The Call: The Life and Message of The Apostle Paul, Adam Hamilton writes, “It could reasonably be argued that no other human, apart form Jesus himself, has had a greater impact on the world than Paul of Tarsus.” Paul, also known as Saul, described himself in this way, “I am a Jew, born in Tarsus…Under Gamaliel I was thoroughly trained in the law” of the Jews (Acts 22:3 NIV). “I persecuted the followers of the Way (Christians) to their death, arresting both men and women and throwing them into prison” (Acts 22:4 NIV). On one occasion, Saul obtained letters from the Jewish High Council to arrest Jesus’ followers in Damascus so that the movement of Christianity did not spread further into the Roman Empire (Acts 22:5). While on the road traveling to Damascus, Saul was overwhelmed when “a bright light from heaven flashed around” him, so he “fell to the ground and” heard “a voice” (Acts 22:6-7 NIV). It was the voice of Jesus. During their conversation, Jesus told Saul to “go into Damascus. There you will be told all that you have been assigned to do” (Acts 22:10 NIV).
Saul became temporarily blinded by the light of Christ on the road to Damascus. His traveling companions had to take him by the hand to continue their journey to the city. After three days of being unable to see while in Damascus, a devoted man of faith named Ananias was sent by God to Saul to restore his sight and share this message, “Brother Saul, receive your sight…The God of our fathers has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear words from his mouth. You will be his witness to all men of what you have seen and heard…Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away…” (Acts 22:13-16 NIV).
As Ananias’ message to Saul revealed that he had been chosen by God. The Lord has chosen us as well. Through his Son and the Holy Spirit, our heavenly Father reveals his will. Saul was blinded by the light of Christ on the road to Damascus. Where do you see the light of Christ shining in the world today? Saul was sent into the Roman Empire as a witness of what he saw and heard. Jesus sends us into the world each day to be his witnesses here and now. Christ said, “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20a NIV).
Monday (6/14)
Read Psalm 115 and praise the Lord!
Acts 6 reveals that Stephen was one of seven men chosen by the earliest Christians in Jerusalem to help care for the widows in need. He is described as “a man full of God’s grace and power” who did “great wonders and miraculous signs” (Acts 6:8 NIV). False accusations were made about Stephen, so he was seized and taken before the Sanhedrin, the high court among the Jews of the first century. Read the conclusion
of Stephen’s speech to the Sanhedrin and about the persecution of believers in Acts 7:51-8:3. Notice Saul’s role within the verses.
Pray for…
– persecuted Christians throughout the world
– those who persecute Christians (Matthew 5:44)
Tuesday (6/15)
Read part of the lyrics of “Amazing Grace” (UM Hymnal #378) by John Newton:
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see.
’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved;
how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed.
Read about Saul’s conversion in Acts 9:1-19a. Saul was later known as “the apostle Paul.” After reading, wrestle with the following questions:
Who was the person, or who were the people, in your life who helped you to be able to see Jesus more clearly? For Saul it was Ananias.
Is God inviting you to be an Ananias for someone else, helping them to see and understand that Jesus is both the Savior and Lord of all creation?
Are you willing to go wherever the Lord is calling you to go?
Pray for…
– the Holy Spirit to open blind spiritual eyes
– God to work in and through Jesus’ followers throughout the world to help those who persecute Christians to become believers
– the Holy Spirit to fill you again today so that you can be an “instrument to proclaim” the Good News about Jesus (Acts 9:15)
Wednesday (6/16)
Read Psalm 115 and praise the Lord!
Read Acts 9:19b-31. The verses reveal that Barnabas (Acts 4:32-37) became a mentor to Saul/Paul. Who is your spiritual mentor, the person helping you to grow more mature as a disciple of Jesus? If you don’t have one yet, find a mentor as soon as possible. A spiritual mentor should be someone further along on their faith journey than you. Look for someone who exemplifies loving God, self, and others. If they don’t remind you
of Jesus in some way, they probably aren’t ready to be your spiritual mentor.
If you are mature in your faith as a Christian, who is the person, or who are the people,
you are intentionally training as disciples of Jesus? Your child/children? Your niece/
nephew? Your grandchild/grandchildren? A friend? A neighbor? A co-worker? Someone
who is part of Avon UMC? A small group of Christians, or ministry team you are leading?
If you are mature in your faith, but you are not intentionally teaching and guiding
someone else to become a Christian, or grow as a Jesus follower, you need to pray for
the Holy Spirit to guide you to the person/people you should be investing in.
Pray for…
– your spiritual mentor. If you don’t have one, ask God to provide you with one.
 -those you are training as disciples of Jesus. If no one comes to mind, invite the Holy Spirit to guide you to a person that you can begin to help encourage and guide on their faith journey.
Thursday (6/17)
Read part of the lyrics of “Amazing Grace” (UM Hymnal #378) by John Newton:
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see.
’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved;
how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed.
Read Galatians 1:11-24. In the verses the apostle Paul explains how the Lord called him to become a Jesus follower and an apostle of Christ. Paul is an example of how Jesus can radically change someone’s life. Paul went from prosecuting Christians to becoming one of the greatest evangelists, church planters, and disciple makers in history. Knowing that Christ did that for someone persecuting the church, imagine what he can do in and
through you.
Pray for…
 -a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ in your life
– a fresh revelation of Christ within Avon UMC
– a fresh revelation of Jesus for Christians throughout the world
– God’s Son to reveal himself to those who are not Christians in every nation
– an unstoppable movement of the gospel message of Christ around the globe
Friday (6/18)
Read Psalm 115 and praise the Lord! 
Read Paul’s words written in Philippians 3:1-11.
Pray in response to God and the verses you read.
Saturday (6/19)
Read part of the lyrics of “Amazing Grace” (UM Hymnal #378) by John Newton:
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see.
’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved;
how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed.
Read Paul’s message to the Christians in Corinth in 2 Corinthians 11:21b-12:10.
Pray for…
– those who are closest to you, including family members and friends
– people who point us towards God
– leaders
– the vulnerable and those in need
– yourself
Consider observing the sabbath either today or tomorrow as a time to rest, reflect, and enjoy recreation. The questions below can be used to help with reflecting:
How did I see, hear, or encounter God during this past week?
Who needs to hear about my experience sometime in the coming days?
*If you do not have a Bible, consider downloading the YouVersion Bible App for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play for your smartphone or tablet. You can also use to look up and read various translations of Bible verses online on a computer.
