Your Faith Journey 165

Sunday (1/23)
We are on a journey through the Old Testament in 2022. During January and February, this Your Faith Journey devotional will guide you through the first two books of the Bible, Genesis and Exodus. There will be opportunities to continue reading the Old Testament books after the Lenten season in March and April. Below are some questions and suggestions to help you as you read scripture this year:
1. How do you see yourself in the story when reading biblical narratives?
Which of these characters would I be?
In what ways is their story similar to my story?
2. Are you using a Study Bible?
A Study Bible is a very helpful tool for understanding each book of the Bible. They include information shared by scholars about historical and cultural realities during the time depicted or the era of the document, the author, when the book might have been written, the intended audience of the document, themes and messages within a book or letter, and more.
The NIV, NRSV, ESV, and NLT Study Bibles are worth considering if you do not own one. There are a few available from the AUMC Library in the back of the Chapel. You can also purchase a Study Bible from,, or
3. What do these verses reveal about humanity?
4. What do these verses teach me about myself?
5. What do these verses reveal about God?
6. Invite the Holy Spirit to speak a message to you through the verses you read.
7. Read, study, and discuss scripture with a small group or another person.
*If you do not have a Bible, consider downloading the YouVersion Bible App for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play for your smartphone or tablet. You can also use to look up and read various translations of Bible verses online for free.
Monday (1/24)
Read the following verses to center your heart and mind on the Lord:
Give thanks to the LORD;
call upon his name;
make his deeds known to all people!
Sing to God;
sing praises to the Lord;
dwell on all his wondrous works!
Give praise to God’s holy name!
Let the hearts rejoice of all those seeking the LORD!
– Psalm 105:1-3 CEB
Be silent for a few minutes to be with God with an attitude of thanks, praise, and rejoicing. You can do this sitting, lying down, or walking. Try to clear your mind of everything else to focus on God and his wondrous works.
Read Genesis 25:19-34. Which word, phrase, or verse is God using to speak to you today from what you read?
If you have not read the previous chapters of Genesis, you are encouraged to watch the following Bible Project videos about the Old Testament, the first eleven chapters of Genesis, and chapters twelve through fifty as a way to help you understand the book of Genesis more clearly. The videos are available on YouTube:
TaNaK/Old Testament by the Bible Project:
Overview Genesis: 1-11 by the Bible Project:
Overview Genesis: 12-50 by the Bible Project:
Pray through your day, including what you will do, or what you have already done, the people you will be with, or those you already were with. Ask the Lord to help you to make his deeds known to others. Seek the Lord throughout the day and rejoice in him.
Tuesday (1/25)
Read the following verses to prepare your heart and mind for time with our God:
Give praise to the LORD and announce who he is.
Tell the nations what he has done.
Sing to him, sing praise to him.
Tell about all the wonderful things he has done.
Praise him, because his name is holy.
Let the hearts of those who trust in the LORD be glad.
– Psalm 105:1-3 NIRV
Sing or listen to a song that helps you to praise God and be glad.
Read Genesis 27:1-40. You are encouraged to use the questions and suggestions on the list from the Sunday portion of this devotional during your study time.
Pray for:
  • Those closest to you (family members & friends)
  • Those who point others towards God (pastors, teachers, mentors, authors, musicians, etc.)
  • Leaders (locally, nationally, and globally)
  • People in need throughout the world (the hungry, thirsty, homeless, sick,

imprisoned, neglected, abused, lost, etc.)

  • Yourself (share your needs and invite the Lord to guide you)
Wednesday (1/26)
Read the following verses to focus on the Lord as you begin your devotional time:
Thank the Lord for all the glorious things he does;
proclaim them to the nations.
Sing his praises and tell everyone about his miracles.
Glory in the Lord; O worshipers of God, rejoice. – Psalm 105:1-3 TLB
Be silent for a few minutes to be with God to allow yourself to be in awe of him. You may find it helpful to lay face down on the ground, kneel, or bow down as you sit to form a posture of worshiping our God.
Read Genesis 28:10-22. Which word, phrase, or verse stands out to you from what you read? Let that message roll around in your mind throughout the day.
Pray in response to God. You are encouraged to pray using the ACTS acronym as a guide:
Adoration (praise the Lord)
Supplication (share your needs & the needs of others)
Thursday (1/27)
Read the following verses to center your heart and mind on the Lord:
Give praise to the LORD and announce who he is.
Tell the nations what he has done.
Sing to him, sing praise to him.
Tell about all the wonderful things he has done.
Praise him, because his name is holy.
Let the hearts of those who trust in the LORD be glad.
– Psalm 105:1-3 NIRV
Sing or listen to a song that helps you to praise the Lord.
Read Genesis 29:1-30. If you haven’t yet, choose a question or two from the Sunday list of this devotional to wrestle with as part of your study time.
Pray, offering thanksgiving and praise to God now and throughout the day. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal who you are supposed to tell about the wonderful things God has done. Trust the Spirit of the Lord to speak through you when the time is right.
Friday (1/28)
Read the following verses to prepare your heart and mind for time with our God:
Give thanks to the LORD;
call upon his name;
make his deeds known to all people!
Sing to God;
sing praises to the Lord;
dwell on all his wondrous works!
Give praise to God’s holy name!
Let the hearts rejoice of all those seeking the LORD! – Psalm 105:1-3 CEB
Be silent for a few minutes to be with our God. Attempt to clear your mind of everything and simply be with the Lord.
Read Genesis 32:1-33:16, which takes place after Jacob married Laban’s daughter’s Leah and Rachel. Jacob also married his wives’ maidservants. Jacob’s family grew with the birth of multiple children from each of his four wives, the Lord blessed him, and his wealth increased greatly as he cared for his father-in-law’s flocks. Eventually, Jacob and his family moved away from Laban, Leah, and Rachel’s father. As you study the verses, you may find it helpful to use the questions and suggestions from the Sunday portion of this devotional.
Pray to God about things you are wrestling with mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually right now.
Saturday (1/29)
How are you going to remember and observe the Sabbath this weekend? The sabbath is a day each week that is set apart from the others to worship God, rest, and enjoy life-giving recreation. You may need to begin by setting aside an hour on Saturday or Sunday to develop a new habit of observing the Sabbath. It might be helpful for you to incrementally observe the Sabbath by setting aside an increasing portion of a day each weekend until you are eventually able to worship, rest, and engage in living-giving recreation for an entire day each week.
Read Psalm 22. You may find it helpful to return to this Psalm throughout the day. You could listen to one translation of the psalm from the YouVersion Bible App in the morning as a way to connect your day to God from the start, then read the psalm from a different translation during dinner or before going to bed.
Solitude and Silence. You are encouraged to find a place where you can quietly be alone for at least ten, twenty, or thirty minutes. During your time of solitude & silence with God, you may want to lay down, sit on a comfortable chair, couch, or swing, or go for a walk. During the solitude, silently listen for the internal whisper of the Holy Spirit. For many believers the Holy Spirit does not speak in an audible voice. Instead, the Spirit will place a thought, phrase, verse from scripture, song, image, person, or idea in your heart and mind. Notice the physical sounds you hear and the way your body feels during this time of silence. Try to shut out the thoughts of to-do-lists, plans for the day, etc. Simply be with God. After the ten to fifteen minutes, then read the Bible verses listed below.
Read Genesis 2:1-3. What do these verses reveal about the example set by God during the creation of the world? What rhythm for a week did God establish for us?
Spend some time thinking about how you saw, heard, or experienced God working in your life this past week. You may find it helpful to write in a journal or spend some time talking to your spouse, another family member, or friend. What did you learn about yourself, God, and others this past week?
Pray in response to our Creator.
