Serving September Opportunities

We are excited about Serving September. This is fantastic way to share our love and concern for our greater community. Many groups have already planned their serving projects, but some groups are still deciding. For assistance on projects, click HERE or reach out to P. Z. Sinclair by test, email, or phone. Serving can also be done as families or a household. This would be a great way for children to see the call to serve. Again, if you have questions or would like assistance, please click the above link or reach out P. Z. Sinclair. If you want to serve, but not alone or as a household only, we can assist in connecting you with one of our already planned group projects. Everyone, please don’t forget to let us know of your project. This allows us to see the vast scope of our congregational reach. Finally, please take pictures! After your project, submit these pictures to us quickly at: We would like uses them on Sunday morning as a witness to God’s call to serve.
During Serving September, you can also follow along on our Avon UMC Facebook Event – Serving September. Here you can provide a comment or submit a picture.
