Your Faith Journey 104

Daniel 1 reveals that the king of the Babylonians and his army overthrew the the king of Judah and the city of Jerusalem about 600 years before Jesus was born. During that time some of the young Jewish men who were part of the royal family and nobility of Judah, including Daniel, were taken to Babylon to become trained to serve King Nebuchadnezzar. While in exile, the faith of their childhood was tested.
We too are enduring a season of our faith being tested. Sunday morning worship services have recently transition to entirely online, so we are temporarily not meeting in the Sanctuary or Chapel for worship services. We are limited in how we stay connected with family members, friends, and fellow believers during this time of isolation and restrictions. Many are suffering mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually because of the ongoing strains, disappointments, grief, and uncertainties of this year and the pandemic we are living through. In times like these our daily habits either enable us to be spiritually nourished, emotionally healthy, physically fit, and mentally sound, or the lack of those habits prevents us from maintaining our health and wellness. Ultimately, it’s hard to care for and love others if you are not taking care of yourself. You can’t give what you don’t have.
You are encouraged to set aside time to Worship God on Sundays, while also living as a worshiper throughout the week. You’re also encouraged to stay Connected with other sisters or brothers in Christ through ongoing communication and care. And utilize Habits that enable you to be healthy emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Those habits should include prayer, studying scripture, fasting (denying yourself something), resting and recreation, along with doing things to nourish your heart, mind, and body.
For a full version of this Your Faith Journey devotional download the Worship Guide from the Avon UMC website:
The Your Faith Journey Bible verses for this week are listed below:
Sunday (11/22)
Today I am going to offer God _____________________________.
During the worship service God revealed _________________________________________________________________________.
Monday (11/23)
Read Daniel 1 and pray in response to what you read.
Tuesday (11/24)
Read Daniel 2:1-23 and pray in response to what you read.
Wednesday (11/25)
Read Daniel 2:24-49 and pray for God to reveal a word, phrase, or verse that is specifically for you for today.
Thursday (11/26)
Read Daniel 3:1-18 and Psalm 106:1, then pray in response to what you read. Consider writing down things you are thankful for today:
Friday (11/27)
Read Daniel 3:19-30 and pray for the Lord to reveal a word, phrase, or verse that is specifically for you for today.
Saturday (11/28)
Read Daniel 6, then pray in response to what you read.
How did you see, hear, or encounter God during this past week?
Who needs to hear about your experience sometime in the coming days?
*To download the entire Worship Guide, which includes the extended version of the Your Faith Journey Guide, go to
